


___, User Acquisition


Bailiwik is a social network and years-long passion of its founder Dan Greaney. A writer for The Simpsons, Greaney wants us to achieve the harmony of his yellow world by asking us to “imagine a neighborhood where everyone knows each other’s names.” To achieve this, Bailiwik connects you to a group of neighbors in a small geographical area around your home.


Bailiwik came to Use All Five in Summer 2016 wanting to test the waters in Los Angeles with an actively developing website. They weren’t ready to make a large push, but needed active users for feedback and to foster community.


We began a program of user acquisition, looking for community leaders in neighborhoods around LA to take the first dive in their area. We identified and engaged with local “power users”, introduced them to the site, familiarized them with its features, and helped them to recruit their neighbors. Along the way we introduced several technical improvements to the process including email tracking and instructional videos.


We grew Bailiwiks in over 10 new neighborhoods around the city. We also made important connections to several community organizations and helped Bailiwik to understand their target users. The feedback and behaviors of these new users will inform the direction Bailiwik takes next as they finalize their vision for the budding network.